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Engaging Your Employees Is Good, but Don’t Stop There

  • By Faber Infinite
  • December 15, 2015

What can companies do to build satisfaction, engagement, and ultimately inspiration for their employees?

Today, in this Competitive scenario companies need effective leaders who value both performance and inspiration, just as a great place to work requires both high performance and high engagement.

However, some of the leaders today are unable to manage individuals to their full potential, build and lead truly great teams, and connect a team or individual’s mission to the company’s overall purpose. It’s probably unrealistic to think that you can inspire every employee in your organization—each individual works for different reasons. But many people do seek fulfillment in their jobs. If you aren’t trying to inspire these employees, you are leaving real money on the table.

We have come across an interesting article on “Engaging Your Employees Is Good, but Don’t Stop There”. Following are the pyramids of the employee needs on the basis of which any organization can keep their employees engaged.


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