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Friday Fact – Quality – the only way towards organizational success.

  • By Faber Infinite
  • November 22, 2019

Did you know, Whatsapp, one of the top communications applications, is now being replaced by another app?

For a long time, Whatsapp security breach has been the talk of the town. This disadvantage of the app has become one of the biggest advantages for other secure messaging and calling apps such as Telegram and Signal. 

On the basis of research, in iOS, Signal has jumped to 39th position from 105th in the download category in India. Similarly, in Google Play, it Jumped to 31st position from 255th in the download category in India.  

It was stated that Whatsapp had its highest active users in India with 400 million users. But on the basis of research, the WhatsApp app ranking dropped from the 1st position to 4th position in the most downloaded apps in Google Play. 

It is said that Telegram and Signal are run by a US-based non-profit organization. As compared with other communication apps, this app has higher security features and updates than others. It is also said that Telegram is using such protocols that check on every single message that a user gets via various ways to determine the authenticity of a message.

Apart from the encryption, the app has features that check the length of the message, the number of characters that are being used while the message was sent and while it is received. On top of it, this also provides you with self-destruct message options where you can set a timer after the completion of which, the messages get deleted. 

Whereas when we talk about Whatsapp, due to its weak security provision, it is easy to hack. Apps like Telegram and Signal gives protection towards not just messaging but also towards file sharing and video calling. 

Whereas when we talk about Whatsapp, due to its weak security provision, it is easy to hack. Apps like Telegram and Signal gives protection towards not just messaging but also towards file sharing and video calling. 

Hence, as you can see, finding out the problem in one app or process or organization can be an opportunity for others. No organization can claim that there are no backdrops in them, but when the root cause of the problems are identified and solved, then the organizations mold into a completely different yet better version of themselves. 

Whenever we talk about the up-gradation of the quality of any product or service, we always recommend finding out the root cause of the problem that led to questioning the quality of your product or service. 

Quality is not just for the product/service, it affects the brand identity as well. It affects the way your product is perceived by the consumers. It gives a pathway to other organizations to think of product/service to replace your product/service. Quality is very important. it should be a habit and culture of your organization. Have you started paying attention to the quality of your product/service?