In today’s era, where safety has become one of the most concerned topics but the least focused areas. Every day, we see news of numerous safety mishaps happening around the world in different organizations. Thousands of people are killed because of safety mishaps.
Safety should be the highest priority for any organization. An organization can only flourish if it has created a cheerful, hospitable and lively working environment where employees feel safe and comfortable. To create such an environment organization, require well-run health and safety programs. Team Faber Infinite was invited by the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association (ACMA) of India, where it conducted a training workshop on ‘Industrial Safety.’
This training session helped the participants identify the safety mishaps in their organization and devise steps to address the same. Along with the presentation, the session also consisted of real-life case studies and group learning leading to engaging and interactive workshops for higher retention and applicability. Later, the session also leads to an ‘idea repository’ for creating Accident-Free Organisations.
The training began with a highly engaging activity, the participants were asked to find out hidden abnormalities from their day-to-day shop floor activities along with the direction of a solution. This engagement has helped them to come up with some amazing actionable points which will help them in real life. Exercises to calculate Accident Frequency Ratio, Severity Ratio and Near Miss to Accident Ratio were also given ensuring active participation and learning.
The objective of Training Workshop:
- Understanding what industrial safety is?
- Familiarizing with the type of accidents
- Help participants to understand what hazards and their different types are?
- Understanding the stepwise approach for implementation of the safety program
The participants of the workshop included Safety Officers, HR personnel and Managers across the Maintenance and Production departments.
This program included tutorial sessions for explaining concepts like Heinrich’s Law, Accident Classification, discussion and debate on whether an unsafe condition or unsafe act through photos and video, Safety Pillar implementation approach, step by step approach to implement safety program as per OSHA and a walk through Health & Safety sections of the Factory Act. Real-life industry examples helped participants to understand how the accidents could have been avoided with appropriate countermeasures. The session inculcated a strong desire among participants to promote and implement safety at their workplace.
Key takeaways:
- Understanding of 3 key parameters related to safety
- Knowing the difference between the near-miss incident and an accident
- Identifying the cause, whether an unsafe condition or an unsafe act
- Safety pillar implementation approach with a goal of Zero Accident
The workshop was highly appreciated by all the participants with strong positive feedback. Understanding Industrial Safety is not a practice, it’s a need for everyone. To know more about this program, contact us at

Written and Compiled by Faber Priyal & Faber Mayuri