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How to Lead an Effective Meeting

  • By Faber Infinite
  • September 20, 2022

If you’re in charge of a meeting, you know how important it is to lead an effective one. People are more likely to take action when they feel as though their ideas are being listened to and respected. This article will help you lead meetings that get results and build trust with your colleagues so that everyone can work together effectively.

Confirm objectives and agenda

Begin by confirming the purpose of your meeting then set out a clear agenda for each section of the discussion. It’s important that everyone involved understands what they’re being asked to accomplish at this point in time, otherwise, there won’t be much point in continuing with the meeting!

Start the meeting on time

If you are running late, start the meeting as soon as possible. This will allow everyone to know that you are just as eager to get started as they are and help them feel comfortable with being late. Take care of any other tasks before taking a seat so you don’t interrupt their train of thought or discussion points.

Take control of the meeting

To lead an effective meeting, you should take control of the conversation. First and foremost, make sure everyone is focused on what you want to achieve by this meeting. Start explaining the point with proper examples in an engaging tone. Use digital presentations and structured agendas to lead the meeting in the right direction.

Don’t leave important issues for the end

If you don’t discuss important issues at the beginning of your meeting, there’s no guarantee that someone will remember or even ask about it later on. Indeed, there may be no way for them to even know that these questions should’ve been raised from the outset. So, it’s important to address these issues earlier in the meeting.

Allow time for discussion 

It is important to allow time for the meeting to be a conversation. If you rush through your agenda and expect everyone else in the room to do the same, it will not be productive or effective. The best way is by making sure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and be heard, as well as making sure that each person understands what was said before moving on with whatever new topic.

Follow up after the meeting with a summary

After the meeting, you should send a summary of action items to each attendee. This is a good way to confirm that they understand what was discussed and their responsibilities in taking action on it. You can also use this email as an opportunity for follow-up with attendees who didn’t complete their tasks or weren’t able to attend.


The key is to make sure you’re leading a meeting that’s focused on improving growth and finding solutions. You can do this by creating an environment where everyone is comfortable sharing ideas, collaborating on strategies, and committing to goals together, while making sure everyone feels valued.