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Celebrating Milestones from 2020

  • By Faber Infinite
  • January 30, 2021

2020 has been a year of challenges and making it is a success itself. We, at Faber Infinite, believe that when life gives you lemons make lemonade out of it. Team Faber Infinite came together on the Faber Foundation day to celebrate and enjoy the lemonade that 2020 had to offer. Achieving and celebrating milestones is a culture at Faber Infinite!

As always, to celebrate the milestone, we along with our team members, families, patrons, and Guest of Honour came together virtually, considering the pandemic. Nothing could deter the spirit of team from celebrating the journey, the milestones, successes, and achievements of our team. We always believe it is the team and their efforts that bring success to the organization.

We believe, all our team members are warriors who helped us strive through the year 2020. Hence, to celebrate the milestones and achievements, what better occasion than the Faber Foundation Day itself.

The team was felicitated with rewards and recognitions for their commendable performances. We are thankful to Shri Jayesh Shah – Director at Spin Ventures Group (SVG) Africa for gracing the occasion and educating us on how spirituality can help us make a sprint in our life (professional and personal). Mr. Shah is also a Senior Pranic Healing Practitioner along with the managing trustee of GMCKS Pranic Healing Foundation of East Africa.

Mr. Shah shared a few of his practices and taught how there is energy in everything and how the energy keeps you going in every condition. Please find below a quick video of Mr. Shah sharing his practices, we hope it will help you too to understand how energy works and how we can find the motivation to emerge out of any situation.

Like always, the new theme for the year 2021 was unveiled by our director Mr. Jalay Pandya – Bounce Forward Together! May we all rise together yet again, accept the new normal and embrace the future by Bouncing Forward Together.

We especially thank Mr. Jayesh Shah for sharing his experience and practices with us and taking time from his busy schedule to grace the ceremony with his e-presence.

Written and compiled by Faber Mayuri & Faber Priyal