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Conversations managers should have with employees

  • By Faber Infinite
  • October 8, 2019

Any employee that has newly joined the organization or is a fresher, needs to be properly guided about the organization, his job, and role, about the vision of the organization, and much more. To make the new joiners aware of these factors, managers and seniors need to coach their juniors well.

Seniors should focus and converse about the issues employees are struggling with. Issues like; how to build flexibility, how to influence others, how to job craft and, how to break out of a mantle run. 

These skills are vital and each of them needs different conversations. When these skills are fully and distinctively addressed, they can produce results that can refine short-term success along with long-term career satisfaction.

The relationship between the worker and its manager accounts for 70% of the variation in employee engagement. Which means those managers who invest their time in addressing these issues increase employee retention and build a connection that keeps the team inspired, innovated and doing their best work.

So, let us have a look at what a manager should include in those 4 topics of conversation to generate the best worker-manager relationship.

1.       How to build flexibility:

Many a time, those employees who have had a bad experience with their past jobs, tend to avoid conversations. Managers should make the employees comfortable enough so that they can voice their negative feedback but not reside in it. Hence, keep communicating with your employees about their thoughts and views over the dynamics of the team. This kind of question will help you figure out what your employee is experiencing.

Once you have gained an understanding of why your employees are thinking negative or what makes them react negatively in a certain situation, ask them those questions that will help them get out of their heads and reflect on what really happens. Later, the last step for the manager is to help their employees to figure out what future choices they can make to navigate future situations differently.

2.       How to influence others

When any employee struggles with a poor networking relationship, the manager can help the employee see the situation from a different perspective to find new ways to engage and build relationships. A study showed that 39% of coaching conversations focused on helping employees influence people helped them build a network and created the desired impact.

3.       How to job craft

The main point of this conversation is to help the employee reflect on what is most important to them. As this can help them shape a compelling vision for their future. Doing meaningful work matters to almost all people. And those who do not feel a sense of purpose, tend to burn out easily.

4.       How to break out of a mental run out

Many a time the employees get stuck while trying to solve problems. While doing that, if they don’t find a solution, then either they give-up or try another time with the same method. Managers can help their team think from a different perspective.

Use this part of the conversation to help your employees identify where their thinking has stuck and seek out new ways of inquiry. Start by asking them; What problems are they trying to solve, What are they most concerned about, and what are the different ways that they have tried.

The goal of the manager is to get the employees to identify what problems they are actually trying to solve. Once the employee seems to understand that their current plan of action is defective, encourage them to think about alternative solutions by considering all of the information they have collected.

For managers to build employees into future leaders it will require them to help employees adopt a type of mindsets that will shift their attitudes. If employees can master those mindsets, they can find satisfaction, stay engaged, and fulfill their long-term potential visions. To do that, the first step is figuring out what employees need from their manager so that you can have the right conversations.