Team Faber Infinite has associated with Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) on several occasions. During the Engineering and Construction Summit 2015 – ‘Engineering – The Way Forward in Construction’ organised on October 29, 2015 in Vadodara; team Faber Infinite was called upon as Knowledge partner of this summit.
Engineering and construction are vehicles for the technological and infrastructure progress. A strong infrastructural backbone is essential to sustainable economic growth. Infrastructure growth holds the key to the engineering & construction equipment industry realizing its potential in India. Investment and implementation of key projects are key concerns of the engineering and construction equipment industry. Construction and Engineering are fields, which heavily complement each other. Engineers provide both skilled manpower and trained talented human resources to the construction sector. They also develop several raw materials and provide technological inputs that further spark innovation in the same.
A key driver of the economy, Infrastructure or Construction is highly responsible for propelling India’s overall development. The industry enjoys intense focus from the top officials of the government for initiating policies that would ensure time-bound creation of world-class infrastructure in the country. This sector includes power, bridges, dams, roads and urban infrastructure development.
The summit focused on tabling the challenges and discussing ways to achieve accelerated growth and utilize the opportunities that lie ahead. Engineering & Construction Summit 2015 focused on the theme “Engineering – The Way Forward in Construction” and covered key areas of Engineering and Construction sector which can be improved and enhance the continuous improvement journey of India.
Several industry experts had participated in the summit. The speakers were from the different industries and sectors who have deliberated their views on the Engineering and Constructions sectors and recent trends of the both the sectors. Faber Infinite captured the details of the summit in a proceeding report. This report covers key aspects of deliberations by speakers which are as follows:
– Mega Trends – Engineering & Construction
– Engineering Overview – Best practices to overcome the flaw
– Innovation in Construction Balancing Environment
– Transformation in Protection Weathering & Paint
– Re-Engineering Transformation Jugaad
– Challenges to Delivery-Proactive or Reactive
– Typical Cost Overrun & Contract Conditions
– Innovative Design Engineering & Construction
– Construction Method, Safety & Audits
India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and it is continuously improving in each and every sector. Overall engineering and construction summit throws light on each and every aspect and trends of engineering and construction sector now a days. Team Faber Infinite concludes the report as ‘Though India is proceeding towards excellence however there are several areas where it needs improvement and for which we need to execute a faster, effective and efficient approach to achieve the goal of excellence.’
You may click here to download complete report.
Reported by: Faber Raveena Rathi