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Friday Fact – Implement Quality at Source

  • By Meera
  • July 12, 2019

Did you know, one of the world’s renowned aircraft manufacturers faced a loss of $5.9bn due to the quality issue?

Boeing, one of the renowned aircraft manufacturing organizations had to face a huge downfall this year when one of their planes crashed in March 2019 where 157 people died. This was not for the first time. Another one crashed in October 2018 where the plane went down into the sea of Jakarta that killed 189 people.

Since the news of the crash broke out in March 2019, the aircraft has been grounded and the company has been trying to convince the regulators. Before the grounding, several deals relating to 737 max aircraft were paused, one of it has been valued worth more than $5.9bn.

Boeing has recognized that it had to rectify flaws in its 737 MAX plane simulator software which was used to train

pilots, after two deadly crashes that happened in the span of 6 months. As per the company, their simulators were unable to replicate certain flight conditions that lead to two crashes.

The company is at present working on its simulator software and has provided additional information to the device operators to confirm that the simulator experience is demonstrative across different flight conditions.

This was the first time when the company admitted the fault in its aircraft. After being grounded, there is no date as to by when the aircraft might be ready to fly again. In the first week of July 2019, the company announced that it would give $100 million to help those families who were affected by the crash.

Hence, as you can see, that the cost of poor quality cannot only cost you money but it can affect customer loyalty and goodwill of the organization.

Quality is not just a measure of product or service, and companies should practice quality at source – Right the First Time. Have you started already?

Compiled by Faber Priyal & Faber Mayuri