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How to Avoid Leadership Mistakes in Offices

  • By Faber Infinite
  • September 13, 2022

The leadership mistakes we make are often a result of our lack of experience. We don’t know how to talk to our team, or what kind of feedback will help them grow. We don’t know how to avoid burnout and stress in the office, or how best to avoid conflicts with coworkers. In this article, I’ll share some tips for avoiding those common pitfalls so that you can be a better leader at work! 

Stop setting unrealistic deadlines

One of the most common leadership mistakes is setting unrealistic goals. While it can be tempting to set impossible deadlines and then work around them, this approach can easily lead to stress and burnout. 

Instead of setting yourself up for failure by setting huge goals that’s hard to achieve, take a step back and think about what kind of progress you would like to see at each milestone along your journey towards your goal. 

Be secure with your staff

The next step to avoiding these mistakes is to build trust with your team. You can do this by being reliable and consistent, allowing them the freedom to make decisions and ensuring that they feel valued as individuals. 

If you have a bad reputation for being insincere or mistrusting, it will be difficult for others around you to trust you and they may not have any faith in what direction their work will go. 

Stop creating a dependent team

When you’re the leader, it’s easy to think of yourself as having all the answers. But in reality, your employees need to be able to trust you so they can do their jobs effectively and efficiently. 

If they don’t feel like they have control over their own work, then they’ll become frustrated and resentful. You should give up all illusionary power by delegating tasks and setting clear goals for each member of your team.  

Don’t exhaust yourself by stretching resources

You need to be efficient, but you also need to be fair. If you have a lot of work, it’s important that you make sure that this doesn’t negatively impact your family life or personal health. 

Don’t try to do everything yourself. Be comfortable with delegating tasks and responsibilities. Ask for help from your coworkers before taking on a task that is too big for one person alone. 

Being in an office all day can lead to burnout and poor performance, so try not to overdo it by working late into the evening or on weekends. Taking time off isn’t just about getting away from the job, it’s also about taking care of yourself.  


As you can see, many of these mistakes are common to all types of leadership. The most important thing is to avoid them by making sure that you know yourself first and foremost. If you know your strengths and weaknesses, then it will be easy for you to spot any mistakes before they happen.Â