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Importance of Organizational Structure

  • By Faber Infinite
  • July 26, 2016

Although there are various issues concerned to leadership, culture and learning, which have been ranking all-time high.  In today’s pitch various business organizations have started realizing the importance of organizational design as well, which needs to be implemented in business organizations. Globally, this is the time to change the existing monotonous norms to disrupt the existing pace and match the changing expectations of employees.

This Tuesday, we want to share top 5 emerging trends for leaders like you:

  • Operational Design is the New Structure

Business operating models are continually evolving to meet the new paradigms of customer, marketplace or expense management. It provides focus, stability and clarity. Operational design is not only restricted to HR, but it extends to the entire organization. In a recent survey by Global Human Capital trends operational design topped the list. Currently, 88% organizations in India are currently either restructuring or planning to restructure their company.

  • Awaken the Leadership

Many organizations do not have a proper leadership strategy in place. Many claim to have a leadership development strategy in place which is quite essential. Organizations need to set up leadership succession plan. Leadership positions are potentially helpful for people not only at top positions but across various levels of an organization. The main task is identification of strong leaders, which requires excellent training and better ways of assessment.

  • Building Culture of Change and Engagement

Culture is an equally important component in organizational design and has a strong equation with change and engagement. Change and engagement are the most critical human capital issues. Organizations should demand collaboration of change and engagement, which should happen across various levels especially from the top. It helps in mapping areas of opportunity where improvisation can be done. Also it will locate the area necessary to communicate the values of the organization.

  • Accelerate via Design Thinking

Crafting employee experience is turning out to be a vital element and is central to all business decisions. Design thinking will help in demarcating the demands of employee to have a simplified and intuitive work environment. Moreover, it allows them to be flexible and focused in the accelerated market place and manage the demands of professional and personal life.

  • Learning Curve is the Earning Curve

The best and possibly the biggest part of organizational culture is that organizations believe in continuous learning. Organizations believe that learning curve is the earning curve. In today’s dynamic market it is absolutely essential to stay updated which necessitates the prominence to learn and continue to grow. Many companies are making strides in adopting new technologies and ease the process of learning. Videos are one of the biggest sources to make the employees learn from one another.

With more and more investments pouring in organizations need to shift their role from just being enablers to those who become architects of their organization.