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Leaders Should Talk to Achieve Collective Goals

  • By Meera
  • April 3, 2018

The world has become a difficult and competitive place to live in and it is very obvious for people to feel frustrated and annoying at times. With issues originating apart from workplace like harassment, political and caste-based divides, irrational constraints on the rise, the humane behavior is likely to be altered by emotions like anger, depression, disappointment and sadness. This is ultimately going to impact one’s work process and his thought processes subsequently as well.

Leaders play a very important role in such situations in prepping the team member and pulling him out of such traumas. They can’t escape these situations even when the case and the subject are very sensitive and delicate. Many leaders today face the issue of outside factors affecting their team members and impacting the progress of the group. The only solution to this problem is to have a chat with the employee and help him out of the entire circumstantial problems and differences.

The silence of the leaders in these situations can worsen the problem even more rather than creating an upstream flow of work. Instead of getting afraid of talking about these topics one should take a step forward and should initiate a discussion to help him. The same goes for an awkward situation as well. If initiated with genuine intentions for a better understandability, even an awkward conversation can be turned into a soulful conversations leading to a healthier and deeper relationship.

Addressing certain issues that one might feel awkward in nature can be completely different in reality and more certain situations. Team leaders and managers have to be mature enough to get over themselves and indulge themselves in such conversations. Apparently, having these conversations openly can make both the parties feel better and clearer about the intentions and their thought processes respectively.

One must be willing to become slightly vulnerable to have these kinds of conversations since they require humility and empathy in order to be initiated and continued in an efficient manner. Moreover, one should also be able to convince other to have such conversation since getting permission is the most important part of having such talks with any of the team member. Ambiguity also plays a crucial factor in having this kind of awkward chat sessions with any member or employee.

By implementing this kind of approach in the work culture, leaders can also motivate and encourage the employees to do better and be more involved in the processes and deployments. Moreover, motivating them will also help the one affected shift his focus from one thing to another thus adding to the relieving factors of the entire discussion or chat session. One must be able to embrace the awkwardness and should work towards getting the best of a person out for the whole world to see. Talking is the key and the only solution with which people can come to common understandings and work in sync to achieve the collective goals.

Written & Compiled By Faber Kishlay & Faber Mayuri