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Putting Human back into Human Resource

  • By Meera
  • January 30, 2021

As part of our Infinite Interview series, we are delighted to share our chat with Mr. Sanjeeb Lahiri – Chief Human Resource Officer at GRP Ltd.

It has been different times for all sectors and domains, with a key focus on human resources. It is a pleasure to listen to pearls of wisdom from Mr. Sanjeeb Lahiri based on his vast experience in the organized as well as unorganized sectors across geographies.

The key takeaway from the interview is as below –

  • Key emerging trends such as shifts from Results to efforts. Previously, only results used to matter, now the efforts also equally matter
  • Treating an employee across levels as a mature human being. So, the H in HR or the human part in the organization is probably seen for the first time
  • Empathy and employee wellness is of higher priority today

Click here to check the video:

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We sincerely thank Mr. Sanjeeb Lahiri and team GRP Ltd for being a part of iFaber – the official newsletter of Faber Infinite and for sharing his valuable insights. Good luck Sir!