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Small Steps, Great Results!

  • By Faber Infinite
  • September 6, 2016

Great things are done by a series of small steps. Best illustration to support the improvement drive is the Olympics. It clearly depicts how to improve by creating a thought process encapsulating small, not big, and adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement through the aggregation of marginal gains. Not discounting perfection; yet focus on progression, and compound the improvements!

Below are some powerful measures which can assist you to create an efficient improvement drive:

Establish a Clear Vision
When your organization is starting a new initiative or project, or is going to begin work in a new direction it requires clarity of goals. Vision statement defining your organizational journeywill speed up the incremental improvement process. It will invigorate an older initiative that has lost its focus or momentum or cultivate a new one.

Focus and cultivate a single theme
It’s important for companies to choose a program or theme that works for the size and maturity of the company. Everyone often turns to Toyota, but programs that work at a company of that nature don’t always transfer as well to other set ups. Organizations should be judicious while planning their focus on or around a single theme.

Introspect to bring out the best
You need to build enough success with a theme that produces great results to provide you the opportunity to find your next cash cow. This involves focusing all your efforts around the available resources.  Good plans look at this constant change as part of the success formula. To be successful and to thrive, teams need to shift from initial plan as and when required.

Power of Iterations
Olympics clearly define the power of practice and continuous improvement approach.  One may not yield groundbreaking results immediately, but that doesn’t mean the team has lost its innovative edge.Creating a charismatic value is not about striving for the breakthrough, the novelty, or the headline. It’s often about the obsession, persistence, and focus to keep things simple, improving them and working on finer details. Learning by doing or iterating has super power!

Celebrate the ‘big – small’ victories:
The outcome of being recognized for an achievement is a feeling that makes your team members motivated to put in extra effort when they know it is valued. The team members will have the confidence that these small victories are noticed and cherish the celebrations! Look for ways to reward your best members by keeping them stimulated with new growth  opportunities and project challenges.

As it is rightly said that practice makes a man perfect and this holds true even for organizations. Learning is a process which can be achieved by engaging the employees to find solutions so that the reiteration of mistakes can be nullified resulting in downfall of unexpected outcomes.