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Teamwork Wins Championships

  • By Faber Infinite
  • April 6, 2021

Employees can work alone on projects and achieve targets. The challenge is to work in a team and succeed. There are good chances of an individual employee working alone on the project and delivering desired results, but when a team works together the results are phenomenal and for greater good of the organization. An organization will succeed when the benefits of teamwork are seen.

The best team works is because of the creativity that is delivered. There are different individuals with different characteristics that make up the team. A team is a set of people with different mindsets and multiple ideas working together towards the same goal.

This Transformation Tuesday, let us look at the different ways in which we can build teams that are efficient and effective:

1. Imbibe Creativity

Working in teams is much more productive then working as individuals. A well-made team brings together all the individuals under one umbrella and each of them plays their role. Each of them contributes multiple ideas and point of views. As a result, the outcome is doubled, and the effectiveness is improved.

2. Harmonise Strengths

Every individual is different. Every individual has their own strengths and weaknesses. A balanced and well composed team is the one where all the individuals are brought together under one umbrella and they work in harmony. A good leaders should do right delegation of roles and responsibilities to the right individuals. When each of the employees is allowed to work with their strengths, then each of them is hold responsible and the effectiveness of the organization doubles.

3. Accountability

In teams where each employee is held accountable for their work, delegation of work prevails and work is completed on time. In teams where employees are responsible, the work gets delegated in the right manner. As a result work is completed on time without compromise on quality. With teamwork the tasks get divided but at the same time the chances of success double.

4. Unity and Trust

The best part of working in teams is the unity and trust that exist. With team work and collaboration wonders can happen. With trust in the teams there are less chances of failure.

Successful teamwork is dream and is ensured when it is built on the foundations of harmony, respect, interaction, and common understanding. When one member in the team is not able to complete his/her part, another member takes responsibility and steps into his/her shoes bringing in more empathy towards each other. Though teams face many challenges, but all of these can be overcome when the team works together in harmony. It is rightly said by Michael Jordan – “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championship”.

Written & Compiled by Faber Mayuri