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The Five S Way Never Fails

  • By Meera
  • September 29, 2017
71 / 100

Time and again, it has been said and agreed that Five S is a fundamental tool for all the improvements. It is a Japanese philosophy that is based on waste elimination through workplace organization. The focus is on effective workplace organization and standard procedures and processes at the workplace. Five S eliminates waste, reduces non-value adding the activity with the aim to improve quality, effectiveness, and safety at work.

These are five words starting with S in Japanese and same in English.

The Five S are as follows:

1. Sort
2. Select
3. Shine
4. Standardize
5. Self Discipline

“A place for everything, and everything in its place” is the mantra of the 5S method. Some of the benefits of Five S are as follows:
1. Improve Quality
2. Lower Costs
3. Promote Safety
4. Build Customer confidence
5. Increase equipment effectiveness and efficiency
6. Reduce Downtime

Team Faber Infinite launched a Five S implementation initiative at one of the largest HDPE and PVC pipes manufacturer in India. The objectives of the initiatives are:
  • Roll out the 5S program for entire Client Unit
  • Create the organization structure for Five S journey
  • Strengthen the review mechanism of Five S through steering committee mechanisms
  • Train the member and create champions for Five S implementation
  • Create model zones in the area of implementation
  • Demonstrate the best way to deliver PEEP in model zone
  • Prepare a detail action plan for all zones with target date and responsibility

So far, within short time of implementation, client team has seen tremendous benefits. Some of which are mentioned below:

  • Space saving after removing ~100 Red tag items from model sub zone
  • Searching time has been reduced from average 3 mins to 20 sec
  • Layout has improved
  • Space saving of 750 sq.ft (approx.) after scrapping 45% of items identified in the red tag registers covering 80% of the plant area.

Everyone and all types of organizations can benefit from rolling out a structured Five S initiative. Manufacturing and industrial plants come to mind first, as those are the business that can realize the greatest benefits. However, any type of business, from a retail store to a power plant — from hospitals to television stations — all types of businesses, and all areas within a business, will realize benefits from implementing a structured Five S movement.

Written By Faber Mayuri Pandya