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3 Reasons Why Talented Members are Hesitant to Lead

  • By Meera
  • December 22, 2020

Most organizations need employees with leadership skills. Many employees even show interest when asked about leadership opportunities. But when asked to step up and take the leadership, most of the talented employees step back. What must be the reason for this?

This Transformation Tuesday, let us look at the three most important factors that are commonly evident among the employees when we talk about leadership opportunities:

1. Risk of relationship with the team

Dislike, competition, criticism, assertive, and forceful are a few of the words people associate with when they step up the ladder of leadership. The first and the most bothering concern that people think about is that the act of taking up a leadership role will affect their relationship with their team and peers. When asked about their views, leaders say that they do not want to jeopardize their friendship and ruin the feelings of their peers.

2. Risk of persona

The second factor affecting the decision of taking up a leadership position is that other members of the workplace might think bad about them. Some leaders are reluctant because they do not want to appear like the know-it-all types. Some leaders think they might appear aggressive to others. Although leaders are always looked upon by the other members of the team.

3. Risk of being held responsible for

Many aspirants are afraid of taking responsibility for the failure of the team. It is a part and parcel of the leadership role that they should always take responsibility for the failures of the team and team members. They are afraid that the team’s failure would affect their promotion, incentives, and thus would affect their leadership opportunities for the future. Fear of being blamed for the team’s collective efforts and work is one of the factors that keep people away from taking leadership roles.

This Transformation Tuesday, we looked at reasons why team members avoid taking leadership roles. Next Tuesday, let us look at ways and means that would help people overcome the fear that holds them back from taking leadership opportunities.

Written & Compiled by Faber Mayuri