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How to Beat the Risk and Encourage Leadership?

  • By Meera
  • December 29, 2020

Last Transformation Tuesday, we looked at the reasons why talented employees are reluctant to take leadership position. So, what can be done to help our people beat these risks and thus convince them to take up leadership roles and opportunities. Below are the three steps managers can take to reduce the effect of these perceived risks and encourage leadership at all levels in the organization:

  • Take extra effort to connect with your team members

Employees who are new in the system, or who are at the lower level in the organization structure or who are in minority with respect to gender, or ethnic groups are more vulnerable to leadership risks. To push these employees and encourage them managers should make efforts to connect with them, openly ask for their inputs in meetings and assignments, and appreciate their leadership roles in front of the senior members in the organization.

  • Manage contradictions

Conflicts or arguments arise with in the teams. Employees are discouraged when conflicts arise due to difference in personality or values rather than due to difference of opinion on the projects or work. So when such arguments or conflicts arise, managers should manage the conflicts and see to it that they are restricted to work and do not get personal. When employees think of conflicts as the best way to put forward new ideas rather than a fight between people, they are more likely to take up leadership roles.

  • Help employees to find low risk opportunities

Make sure that major career outcomes are not at stake, otherwise employees will be hesitant to take risk. For example, less experienced leaders may worry when they are asked to take high responsibility leadership roles, as they would think that poor performance would affect their credibility. In cases like these where high risks are involved, employees will be less willing to take leadership roles.

As organizations continue to believe in leadership and the achievements that come along with it, we also need to think about the risk factors associated. By identifying the risks potential leaders face and managing their opinions of those risks, organizations can foster leadership roles form more people in the organization – ultimately supporting growth of the organization as well of the people in the organization.

Written & Compiled by Faber Mayuri