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Be Different – Be A Leader

  • By Faber Infinite
  • November 19, 2019

We have seen many articles that talk about how to become a leader, how to have a positive side of the leader, how to become everyone’s favorite etc. But today, in this article, we bring to you, a few abstract pointers one must deploy to become a Different Leader.

A leader is a person who has been an employee once, so it is obvious that he/she is supposed to be highly understanding of their teammates. But here are a few points a leader usually tries to avoid thinking them as negative pointers.

  • Conflicts can be healthy

By saying this, we are trying to convey that as long as the conflict is about the ideas and ways to improve organizational performance and not any personal bias or issues, the conflicts are healthy. Since such conflicts bring out various dos and don’ts for a company to undertake while working on the ways to improve organizational performance.

This also allows other people to understand the thought process of different people under different circumstances and helps the organization identify the best ways to improve performance.

  • Allow new ideas to enter

Many times, when a subordinate or a teammate comes up with new ideas, they hesitate to bring it in front of their leaders. Because they feel that they are not as experienced as their leaders or might have faced a similar situation in the past which would have made them feel that their ideas don’t stand a chance in their organization. A leader should support the viewpoints of all their team members. By saying this, we don’t mean that you agree to all their ideas but allow them the right to express it even if it doesn’t reflect your point of view. It takes a lot of courage for someone to speak up and express a different point of view in front of a leader. A leader should always acknowledge and encourage those team members who come up with new or unique ideas.

  • Ask for feedback

While a person is in the position of a leader, it makes them feel that asking for feedback from their subordinates or teammates might make them look less leader. But, in reality, asking for feedback genuinely helps. It helps you understand other ways of doing the same thing or even quicker or better ways. It can show you how others feel when you step your feet in their shoes. This helps you enhance your leadership skills.

These are some of the points which are rarely used by the leaders but are highly effective to become one of the greatest leaders.