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Client Speaks: Building Sustainable Organizations

  • By Meera
  • July 30, 2021

In this edition of iFaber, we present to you yet another experience from the floors of one of our esteemed clients, Mr. Jayesh Shah – Director at SpinKnit Limited, a leading textile manufacturer from Kenya.

Watch the video interview to see how a few of the key takeaways listed below can help you turntables as well. Some excellent learnings unfold in this quick video interaction.:

  • Being competitive in the global markets can be assured only when we serve our customers with good quality products
  • Motivated employees work better and achieve more
  • Sustenance is the key to growth
  • Meaningful changes in society are very fulfilling
  • Embrace excellence to grow

Check the video here –

We sincerely thank Mr. Jayesh Shah and team SpinKnit Ltd for being a part of iFaber – the official newsletter of Faber Infinite and for sharing his valuable insights. Good luck Sir!