“Safety is Gainful, Accident is Painful!”
Safety has been one of the most underrated aspects of today’s industrial world. However, safety is the key component that drives the organization towards development and excellence.
Safety is not only limited to preventing mishaps and accidents but, also covers the entire paradigm of protecting the human workforce that works in sync with the machines towards creating a sustainable and green environment.
Safety promotes efficiency and the feeling of being protected motivates the team members and brings out the optimum results. Organizations need to understand how quintessential role safety measures play in the transformation processes to achieve a continual and sustainable development.
On this National Safety Week, let us take a pledge to promote safety measures and to inculcate them at our workplaces to minimize the dangers and health hazards.
Let’s learn safety and be a Safety Apprentice!
Written & Compiled By Faber Kishlay & Faber Mayuri