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3 Most Important qualities need for CEO

  • By Meera
  • December 7, 2021

Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Lakshmi Mittal, and more, are renowned personalities who made the impossible possible and emerged as one of the greatest CEOs of all time. This #Transformation Tuesday lets eye on some key traits or behavior an emerging CEO must possess to meet the ends by unique means as per the mindset one has for the focused goals. The book ‘Steve Jobs’ written by Walter Issacson, is a famous biography that engages the reader through the personal as well as professional life of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple (1976-2011). you must this qualities need for CEO.

‘The man who thought different’ as mentioned on the cover of the book, stands out for every aspiring CEO who is trying to reach the finish point where achieving means to work hard and think differently than others. Passion is another driving force that keeps us going every time we struggle with new challenges. But with passion comes bias, which can be both positive and negative in terms of handling a particular situation.

Habits developed aligned with the passion for our work may result negatively too. For example, Steve Jobs was the most passionate CEO, who always engaged in work that he skipped taking shower for a long time and had an unbalanced diet because of which he was severely ill for a long time. This itself shows how passion and hard work can impact negatively while on the road to achieving the ends. Issacson highlights in the biography that with varied personalities and a different mindset, all ends justify the means.

Steve Jobs who works in providing the most important technology products has some striking lessons from his life which can help an individual to dream of the impossible and work hard for reaching the goal to become a CEO one day. 

The three most needed CEO traits for an aspiring generation of entrepreneurs are as follows:

  • Strict work ethics and creativity:

To lead is to be the role model. Every renowned CEO has this trait developed in their life which helped them reach the point of success they are in now. Strict work ethics that initiate the journey are key to having superior diligence towards the work you want to accomplish.

Respecting people’s time, showing up in crises, being honest, and telling your opinions and feedback on the face without hesitation are some marking behaviour Steve Jobs had while working on his success story. Creativity is yet another most needed quality one must have, as working in a different angle always gives us the reasons to explore new roads of opportunities and the result itself may be marvellous in the end.

  • Demanding attitude:

Steve Jobs’ personality especially when it comes to making decisions is often termed as ‘demanding’. He was the CEO of the incomparable Apple company, yet he got involved in almost every aspect of what he wished to produce. For example: From designing the iPad and what features to be included, Jobs was very clear about the specificity and asked the engineers to manufacture them in the told way. He never took ‘No’ for an answer when it comes to expecting from his fellow workers. He gets the work done.

  • Dealing with the setbacks:

As mentioned in the book, Issacson states that Steve Jobs always was the front face of the controversy related to the products of Apple. He takes only the comments and remarks seriously which he thinks is genuine and needs to be tackled. For a CEO, decision-making in such a situation is crucial. Filtering out the needed criticisms is hard but can be practiced with a lot of lessons. Being in control of every process is what makes the CEO an all-rounder as well as responsible and accountable.  

Written by Faber Aleena Thomas & compiled by Faber Mayuri Pandya