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Five Ways to Manage Organizational Change

  • By Faber Infinite
  • April 13, 2018
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Change management is a very important and crucial task with a very unpredictable nature and perilous to conduct. The question many people ask here is why one should address change management? It is just another process that has been tried and tested by many and thus does not particularly needs to be addressed in the work culture. However, people here forget the fact that many companies who implement change management processes fail to get the anticipated results from it due to a proper and precise utilization of the tools and the controls involved. In this article, we will discuss about the 5 ways to Manage Organizational Change.

  • Inability to address change and the change management processes

Many companies and their leaders fail to address their change management processes. They forget the importance of the change management process and the main reason with which it has been introduced in the work culture of the organization. Moreover, addressing change management processes keeps the leadership in the loop and updated of the progress made and the requirements to achieve the already set targets.

  • Not showcasing the incentives and benefits for the employees

Employees feel motivated and encouraged to do better quality work when their efforts are recognized and acknowledged. Also, rewards and incentives act as a catalyst in the entire change management process and enlightening the workforce with the benefits these change management process will bring to them is a pretty great idea to lift the morale of the team members and encourage them to embrace the changes and innovative techniques.

  • Lack of training and skills

Training plays a very important role in helping the employees adapt to the change and improvising with the varying and innovative tools and techniques. Employees are usually afraid of the change and many a time is stereotyped to the old work processes. They fear failure while embracing the change in the working culture of the organization. However, by the means of training, one can get used to the new tools and techniques thus subsiding dear and ultimately adding value to the company and its growth.

  • More focus on tools and techniques rather than principles

When it comes to implementation of various tools and controls, blindly following theory and principles might not help. Every situation has its own set of obstacles and needs a different approach to be tackled. Hence, in a change management process, leadership should focus more on the implementation of tools and techniques alongside creating a holistic system and control structure rather than going completely by the book hoping to see anticipated changes and growth in the productivity and revenues.

  • Subsiding blame culture in the work processes

Blames are the worst part of any work process that has failed in achieving the targets. It not only demoralizes the team members as well as adds to the mediocrity of the failure and evaporates the gist to do better and avoid the same mistakes in the next attempt. Leadership or even a team member should never blame anyone for the failures. Instead, they should analyze the situation and come to a conclusive result with the factors that are responsible for the failure of the change management process. Asking ‘why’ instead of ‘who’ is only going to lead the organization towards its goals and targets.

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Written & Compiled By Faber Kishlay & Faber Mayuri