effective communication

  • July 18, 2023
  • Meera

4 Ways to Manage Multi-generational Workforces

In the diverse landscape of modern workplaces, managing multi-generational workforces has become increasingly important. Every generation carries its own viewpoints, ideals, and working methods. In this Transformation Tuesday, we will

  • June 27, 2023
  • Meera

Collaborative Overload: 5 Points for Balancing Teamwork

Amidst the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced work settings, collaboration has become a cornerstone of success. However, there is a hidden danger lurking within teamwork: collaborative overload. This phenomenon

  • April 7, 2020
  • Meera

Leadership and Crisis Management

As a leader you are competent and skilled to manage people and situations, however the methodology used by organizations in times of emergency or crisis may prove insufficient, as leadership

  • March 7, 2017
  • Meera

‘Visually’ unbelievable mishap at Oscar 2017

The most awaited award event, Oscar-2017 just ended a week back, witnessing a major goof up of the history. A major mistake took place leaving the viewers dazed, confused and