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Quality Circle : Development in Manufacturing and Organization

  • By Faber Infinite
  • January 18, 2018
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Quality circles have now become one of the major segments in the manufacturing sector that determines the productivity and efficiency of a plant and its human resources. With the passage of time, quality circles have gained popularity and have now been adopted in the Indian manufacturing industry as well. Quality Circles are basically a formal, institutionalized mechanism for productive and participative problem-solving interaction among the employees of an organization. They also contribute to increasing the capabilities of the workforce whilst improving the machinery capacity.

Every organization faces different challenges and has to tackle different obstacles to continue on the road of development and grow profitability. Quality circles are the most efficient and less coarse way of identifying and analyzing a rational problem for accurate and precise solutions. This works as the first and foremost step towards preventing the institution from getting rigid in places where flexibility is the key. But, to reach there, a proper training to the members of the Quality circle members should be provided to bring out the best from the Quality Circles.

Team Faber Infinite recently concluded a training workshop at one of our client’s site for the members of their Quality Circle, making them aware of the working functionality as well as teaching them the modus of operation of the Quality circles in an organization, particularly a manufacturing plant.

Objectives of the training session:
  • To understand the need and role of the Quality circles in the organization for a positive growth.
  • To adapt to the prevailing structure of the organization and work in accordance with growth and open exchange of ideas.
  • To train the members about the functionality of a Quality Circle and guiding them through various techniques and skills that can be used while solving a particular problem.
  • To understand what steps can be introduced in certain situations to increase productivity.
  • To have a thorough understanding that Quality Circles are meant for inducing humane values and harmony through it to keep the organization and workforce parallel to each other.
Preview of the workshop:

The workshop was conducted for training the employees and making them familiar with the concept and agenda of the quality circles. The two-day workshop was headed by Mr Vishal Singh which included conducting seminars and mock activities to help the trainees in experiential learning.

The employees who participated in the workshop appreciated the training session and were very happy with the flow, structure and expertise of the trainer in the subject area. Some of the feedback pointers which we received are as follows:

  • It was a great experience. Actually, the way we were taught and trained in Quality Circles was the key we learnt a lot from it. It will definitely help us in our future.
  • The training was excellent. We learnt many things about Quality Circles which were unknown to us before. The training session has enhanced our skills and increased our confidence.
  • Vishal provided us with various key points that will help us in the overall functionality of the Quality Circle. We now know how valuable the work of Quality Circle is in an organization.
  • The session was quite enriching. We now know what can be the consequences of our mistakes and have learnt how to tackle problems in the initial stages.

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In this ever-evolving canvas of the manufacturing sector, Quality Circles are the key to increase the efficiency and productivity to keep an organization on the run. With the growing competition, training quality circles to work in a precise and efficient manner is like providing fuel to an engine. Faber Infinite explores the concept of Quality Circles and helps the companies implement them properly by conducting training sessions and workshops to unlock the doors of continuous improvement.

Written & Compiled By Faber Kishlay Krishna & Faber Mayuri Pandya