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Organization Culture – The vital success theory

  • By Faber Infinite
  • September 11, 2018

Culture of an organization defines the potential and capabilities of an organization to innovate and improve. It plays a crucial role in keeping the flow of the organization and its work. Culture of an organization acts as the core fundamentals that will direct and drive any process or system. Hence, it is very important for an organization to have a culture which supports and promote tools, techniques and ethics that will ultimately improve the company performance, productivity and profitability. In short, having a good culture is a proven theory to success.

Moreover, it is not important for an organization to have an employee centric or a very friendly environment when it comes to good culture. In fact, an organization can rally a brutal culture for its employees as well.

Culture. But why?

The reason why culture is more of an important aspect for success rather than innovation, positioning, people or segmentation is that culture forms the DNA of the organization. If the DNA gets impacted or affected, no matter how efficient methods or advanced technologies you use, it will impossible for you to rectify the defect and move towards achieving excellence. This is how important the culture of an organization is.

Let’s talk about strategy

Simply put, strategy is a set of actions to be performed in a series to get desirable results and achieve targets. One can say that a lot depends on strategy as well and not on culture. But, what good is an excellent strategy if it cannot be supported by the culture of the organization. You can note down a strategy on a piece of paper but when it comes to culture, you must learn and polish it constantly to stay in the front. Any strategy no matter how well it is woven is completely dependent on the culture of the organization.

And Branding…

Branding plays a very important role in driving an organization towards success and generates more sales for the company. However, even branding is not independent of the organizational culture and depends extensively on it to do its job. In this case also, company culture plays a critical role in creating a brand by aligning the manufacturing processes with the marketing.

Culture is an imperative factor that is hugely responsible for driving the organizational transformation and improves the efficiency of the processes of the organization. Moreover, it also showcases the approach with which an organization initiates any processes, be it any internal or organizational. It is key for the organizations to start focusing on their organization’s culture to thrive in the coming days and make the most of their resources and capital.


Written & Compiled by Faber Kishlay & Faber Mayuri.