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We Can Do It

  • By Faber Infinite
  • September 6, 2018

Companies that change may survive, but companies that transform thrive. Change brings incremental or small-scale adaptations, while transformation brings great improvements that ripple through the future of an organization. – Nick Candito

Change management processes are quintessential in driving the organization towards their goals and targets in the evolving times of 21st century. Change is the demand of the modern times for the organization to remain productive and profitable at the same time. However, there is one aspect that challenges many people and many change initiatives fail because of it. It is managing people through the change management processes. In this blog, we will be discussing some major aspects to manage people through change and how to motivate them to embrace it and imbibe the feeling of – We Can Do It!

  1. Maintain honesty

Honesty is the best policy and you should be very honest with your people about the HOWs and WHYs of the change. There should not be any hidden motive behind the change management process and the balance should be maintained between the organization’s leadership and the employees. Moreover, stay positive about the hard decisions that you might have to take during the change.

  1. Anticipate the emotional aspect of the change

Human beings like to stay in their comfort zone and they feel very vulnerable when it comes to change. Hence, it becomes very important for the leadership to sense and anticipate the emotional impact of the change so that one can create a strategic framework to counter the emotional obstacles that might hinder the change management processes in the future.

  1. Be very precise with the communication of timeline

Communication of a clear timeline is very important in taking the people in confidence that everything will be in control and not will go down south. Moreover, a proper timeline will help the team members in clearly seeing the path ahead and working for the desired goals.

  1. Ask clearly when things needs to be done

Make a very clear call whenever any action is required. Keeping the things hanging in the middle is never a good thing and shows that you are not sure about the change which will further impact the confidence of the employees.

  1. Explain how the people will benefit from the change

When any change process is implemented, giving initiatives is a good way to keep the people encouraged and motivated throughout the change management process. Tell the benefits the team members will receive because of the change. Also, make sure you thank people whenever required and appreciate them for their good work.

  1. Create communication passages

Create communication channels to have a defined chain for the communication of messages which will ensure a smooth and efficient communication of commands and goals to the ones preset on the floor. Communication channels will also help the organization in avoiding a messy communication of messages.

  1. Analyze the impacts on various groups

Analyze the impacts of the change management process. See if there are certain groups which are more affected by the change and if they are, what are the possible alternatives you can provide them with to minimize the impact of the change. Keep in mind; your people are your assets.

  1. Promote feedback

Feedbacks help in getting the real picture from the floor. Hence, the leadership should establish a two-way communication system that which encourages the team members to pitch in their suggestions and reviews. This will inflict a sense of belongingness in the employees as well as help the leadership in polishing the change processes.

Change management initiatives are the need of the hour and it is very important to take the people along with you when you embark on the journey of transformation. Believe in you, your people and your strategies and keep yourselves steady in while progressing. Change initiatives depends on the manpower involved ad keeping them balanced, informed and in loop is the key to get the most of any change management initiative.

Faber Infinite Consulting has been helping organizations across industry sectors in the change management process. We have helped organizations in the journey of transformation and thus reap greener results. For more information contact us on consulting@faberinfinite.com.

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