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In True Sense “Gati Se Pragati”

  • By Faber Infinite
  • April 1, 2022

In this edition of iFaber, we bring to you another tale from the floors of one of our clients, which is a pioneer in machine manufacturing specifically for the textile industry. We had a chat with Mr. Anand Patel – Executive Director at Peass Industrial Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Excerpts of this interesting interaction are as mentioned below –

Faber Infinite (FI): As a leading textile machine manufacturer in India, can you tell us more about Peass Engineers Private Limited?

Mr. Anand Patel (AP): As you know, Peass was started as a machinery manufacturing company focusing on products for Textile Industry. The very first machine manufactured was Cone Winder. It was accepted in the domestic market first and later the company developed customers from around the world. Peass also has collaborated with many leading textile manufacturers.

I can say that with time, we moved along the way of innovation. Continual Improvement & Automation is now a part and parcel of our production processes due to which challenging times were faced without quality compromises.

We also had an in-house tool room equipped with all types of Precision Machines to cope with demanding requirements. One of the striking features which I can highlight here is that ‘Quality’ is an obsession with PEASS. Inspection at every stage of manufacturing, after-sales services, and supply of spare parts, are our mantra for continual improvement. Thus, we can proudly say that we are built on a strong foundation or base as we developed over these years.

FI: Sounds great! Today, as we are rowing through difficult times of pandemic, operations and supply chain are deeply affected. However, Peass as an organization has always been managing in terms of deliveries and operations. We would surely want to know what your mantra of excellence is.

AP: With the pandemic, difficulties increased manifold with respect to manufacturing. The economic trends started shifting. Demand evaporated and supply got stuck, especially the hit was more impacting for the textile industry. Leisure spending dipped to an all-time low which directly challenged the supply-demand trends for the textile industry. The supply chain was disrupted due to covid, although we at Peass tried our best to put on our best work in those difficult times. On-time delivery and assured quality products remained our trademark for deliveries and operations. I believe the success mantra of PEASS follows is that we are ‘Customer Centric’ manufacturers.

Being the market leader for winding machines, I believe we try to live up to customer satisfaction with Quality production and consistency of products such that no compromise is made in terms of demand and supply.

FI: Glad to note that Sir! Moving further, with the ever-evolving demand and technology trends in textile machinery manufacturing and how is Peass living up to the changes?

AP: As mentioned earlier, change is inevitable. The success of any organization relies on how adaptable it is to the rapidly changing environment whether it is technologically or culturally. We, at Peass, have always created an environment where agility towards manufacturing has been a guiding principle of our growth. From assembly line to deliveries, we made the process of adopting the latest technologies easier. Peass has been equipped with all types of modern machine tools and techniques to cope with the demanding times.

FI: As per our observation, you have always focused on culture-building along with operations improvement, especially when it comes to people practices and culture-building exercises. Because Peass is unique and known for its excellent people practices!

AP: To be very honest, there is no conscious effort as such in terms of culture building and people practices. Perhaps, it is how we are built from the time we started. Many have remarked that our members have excellent hospitality and an accommodating attitude. Opportunities are created and built on, which not only helps in the growth of our organization, but we focus on individual growth too.

Human Resource Development is an ongoing process at PEASS. Training to all employees at all levels is imparted regularly. Employee involvement programs like Quality Circles have been underway for some time now and they have yielded very encouraging results. However, the warmth of the team has helped this organization to maintain its culture.

FI: Team Faber has been associated with Peass in operations and process efficiency. Can you share more details about the journey and the role of Faber Infinite in the improvement numbers?

AP: Team Faber Infinite conducted extensive research and analyzed all possible parameters to improve productivity at our organization through various Operational Excellence tools. Faber Infinite along with our teams has worked on a variety of improvement projects, such as Time and Motion Analysis, Productivity Improvement, Equipment Performance Improvement, Culture Building, and so on. We appreciate the Faber Infinite team’s assistance in sharing insights, adding value, and improving our organization’s efficiency.

The initiative not only achieved the desired exponential results, but it also resulted in a culture of continuous improvement on the floor, where the last person on the ground is sensitive and appreciative of the growth and improvement, which, in the true sense of the phrase “Gati Se Pragati”. To mention the improvement numbers of the workshops, 67% improvement in unit production per day, 37% improvement in manpower productivity, 26% improvement in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), and much more. These are some immediate numbers that come to my mind as of now.

As a result of our workshops with Faber Infinite, our teams have won a number of national and international competitions, including gold at an International Convention in Singapore. So, yes, Faber Infinite has aided us in achieving a great deal over the last few years.

FI: What is your take on Operational Excellence as an industry leader that focuses on machine manufacturing for the textile industry?

AP: The competition is heating up in a global market environment. Organizations of all sizes and sectors are increasingly been looking toward Operational Excellence (OE) and Lean Management to eliminate waste across their value chain, which ultimately helps them drive down costs and deliver quality goods and services to customers.

The key focus of operational excellence in the textile industry is to reduce the manufacturing throughput time from the raw material receipt till the finished fabric is ready for dispatch. More work can be done for efficient operations which is the key towards Operational Excellence. Minimal rejection rate, on-time delivery, and balance between processes are areas where improvement is possible and operations can be enhanced.

Thus, operational excellence for us means improvement in all areas of performance, including decision-making, ongoing investment, profitability, customer and partner services, and human resources capabilities.

We sincerely thank Mr. Anand Patel and team Peass Industrial Engineers Pvt. Ltd. for being a part of iFaber – the official newsletter of Faber Infinite and for sharing his valuable insights.

Written by Faber Aleena & Compiled by Faber Mayuri