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Role of Leadership during Organizational Transformation

  • By Faber Infinite
  • October 2, 2018

In this evolving industrial world of 21st century, the only thing that is constant is organizational change. The fact that any organization’s journey depends on the decisions the leadership takes itself speaks out how crucial is the role of leadership development in any organizational change. Leading change from the front is one of the most difficult tasks in any organization since it deals with various important aspects of the work culture. Moreover, the leadership might also face resistance from the employees during the change initiative which will further put more challenges in the way of achieving excellence and continual development.

Leadership and Organizational change

Organizations aspiring to grow and captivate the opportunities in the modern world might face some serious challenges that obstruct their way. These challenges may include outdated systems and software, lack of an upgraded culture in the organization. And also inefficient talent acquisition programs, sharper marketing and sales strategies to penetrate and proliferate the market and much more.

Moreover, the challenges for the organizations might also increase twofold with the resources depleting rapidly, fear in the team members, fatigue, and incorporation of various training programs to learn the new systems and many more situations like this.

The leadership plays a key role here to have an all-round development of the organization and garnering maximum benefits from the change management process. Ingraining leadership development programs that equips the managers with emotional intelligence and desired skills that helps them in successfully leading the teams through the change can give the required support to the organization.

Change Management in Organizational Transformation

In any change management initiative, it is always an advantage to have a skilled and aware leadership that can steer the ship in any direction whenever needed in order to avoid the storm. Implementing an effective leadership development program will not only allow the organization to have such people but will also help them in improving on their 360-degree feedback and overall emotional and attitude analysis of the team members included in the change process.

This entire process of leadership development should always keep some things in mind like ensuring that. It doesn’t get forced on the participants, they enjoy the experience and ultimately adds value to their skill sets, providing the employees with enough training. So that they can engage efficiently and make the most of the opportunities that comes in front of them, promoting data collection and encouraging transparency in the work culture of the organization.

Any organizational change process needs efficient and able leadership in order to be successful and yield optimum results. It all starts with a change in the mindset that forces the organization to take time, pull more resources out, budgets and other related aspects.

It all needs able and developed leadership so that everything stays on track and the organization does not face any loss. In this critical time of growing competition, it has become quintessential for the organizations to invest in leadership development programs and gain the most from the market opportunities.