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Change Management – Challenge to Leadership

  • By Meera
  • February 6, 2018
68 / 100

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Transformation journey is a gigantic challenge in the internal affairs of a company and requires a great amount of discipline and dedication to make it work. Many times people have this question in mind that why some companies climb the ladders of success while sitting in the driver’s seats of these transformations while others fail to incur the same results. In this article, we will talk about the Challenge to Leadership.

The answer to this question and many other related questions has a common link to the factor – Leadership. It is the leaders who drive the entire process and provides thrust to it in the form of motivation and encouragement. The thinking processes of the leaders along with their acts have a huge impact on the entire learning process that facilitates the transformation of an Organization.

It is the mindset and approach that will steer the wheel of the journey. Moreover, the only way to lead a successful transformation at any place lies in the key i.e. being open to learning and growing in order to solve problems.

Lean Leaders and their ethos

Struggle, Learn and Evolve!

Lean leaders believe in this and constantly follow this routine until they achieve what they had set out to achieve. Personal involvement and engagement of leaders in these processes are directly proportional to the positive and good outcomes of the process.

Also promoting growing mindset is another factor that plays a crucial role in transformation. While people with fixed mindsets get frustrated when they stumble upon failures, people with growing mindsets realise their mistakes and learn from them and are enthralled to learn from their mistakes.

Reason why fixed mindsets results in failures

The personality of a person matters the most when it comes to leadership. People with fixed mindsets have a lot of problems regarding their ego and cares more about their personality than anything else. This kind of approach and attitude does not help in lean transformation, even if the person has a very high knowledge of it.

The road to success unarguably depends on the ability of a leader to help diagnose and overcome a problem. For a successful transformation, the company requires teamwork and encouragement, which turns out to be a sour deal with fixed minded people.

Can a transformation be brought in fixed minded people?

The answer to this question is a very obvious YES. People can transform themselves by acquiring new habits – encouraging the whole community.

Below are the pointers on which if worked on, people can ambiguously start seeing changes in themselves.

  • Your position and role in the team – Instead of carrying the attitude of your position, start indulging on the ground floor and contribute and encourage your team in finding the solution for the obstacles.
  • Lean can’t be implemented, it is learned – You can’t just implement lean system in your organization and expect the complex problems to solve on its own. Instead, Lean is a learning process that includes experimenting and evaluating and continuing to learn new practices to solve them and deliver value to the customers.
  • Start with ‘I don’t know’ – Start things with something ‘Oh! I don’t know about it’. This thinking process will make you open to learn new aspects and new things that will provide you the extra push to search for greater countermeasures to solve the problems.
Next steps in the journey of transformation

“Changing your thought process is not hard, believing that I can’t is”

This is the first step in order to sow seeds for the new thinking process. The next step involves enriching yourself with new thoughts and making yourself realize that a failure is not the end of the world, it’s just the wrong approach and you need to take a new stand on it.

No one learns new things without any failures and no one ever will. Stuck maps and roads with fixed mindsets do not have success at the end. Lean transformation is a challenge and the leadership needs to adopt a different approach towards it.

Written & Compiled by Faber Kishlay & Faber Mayuri